Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Since I am so against animal cruelty, its obviously that i would be against vivisection too. If you don't know what vivisection is, it's testing on animals. I've seen pictures of what the tests do to the animals and its disgusting. I know certain products are SOOO important to us, but we need to think about what an animal had to go through in order for us to have those just so great products. The funny thing is, sometimes the animals don't even react the way a human would.. so its definitely important to test it on an animal so animals can wear it too right? Ha, give me a breakkkkkk. I don't believe animals were put on this planet in order to be put in cages and be infected, injected, gassed, burned and blinded. Some people believe it's just rats they are testing on. Think again. Its dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys and other animals that go through this day in and day out. We need to help them! The website below it a really good one if you want to learn more,


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