I was thinking about all the different organizations they have now fighting for animal rights and i thought it was important to list some because i think what they are doing is great. Im also listing these in case anyone that reads it maybe wants to join one of the groups, and this will give you options so that you can choose the best group for you :)
-Animal Aid (UK)
-Animal Defenders International (ADI)
-Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
-Animal Liberation Leagues
-Animal Liberation Press Office
-Animal liberty
-Born Free Foundation
-Center on Animal Liberation Affairs (CALA)
-The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT)
-Compassion Over Killing (COK)
-Friends of Animals (FoA)
-In Defense of Animals (IDA)
-People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)<- good one! Check em out!
-Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
-Uncaged Campaigns
-Vegan Society
-Vegetarians' International Voice for Animals (Viva!)
-Western Animal Rights Network (WARN)